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Manteca corporal de mango y lavanda

SKU: 366615376135191
  • This plant-based healing body butter contains beta carotene, proteins, lecithin, fatty acids, and vitamins A, D, and E which help immensely to moisturize your skin while also increasing collagen synthesis.

    Most importantly, our butter’s abundance of Vitamin A stimulates the skin's natural renewal process. It encourages the skin to produce new, healthy skin cells, improves the skin's texture and elasticity, and protects the skin against damage caused by UV radiation.

    Our Mango Lavender Body Butter is:

    Safe for all ages


    Lightweight & Easily Absorbed


    Loaded with Anti-Aging Properties

    Approved by Registered Nurses WORLDWIDE



    Deliciously and Lightly Scented

  • El resultado del producto puede variar de persona a persona dependiendo de factores, tales como; tipo de piel, sensibilidad de la piel, complexión, tipo de cabello y tipo de cuerpo.

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